Sacred Circle: Renewing Life after Loss
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Product information "Sacred Circle: Renewing Life after Loss"
This circle will be part of a process to help you reconnect with life after the loss of a loved one, understanding how to live with grief, moment by moment, day by day, as we hold love in our hearts for those we lost.
The session will be guided by Kia, who has herself journeyed through the dark days of radical grief and found healing in forgiveness. Inviting you to share your experiences only if you wish, she will introduce simple practices and thoughts that you can integrate into daily life, starting with a willingness to engage with life as it is, and know that love is available and joy is possible even in the midst of grief. We will end with a short, grounding meditation.
This is a one-off session. Kia will be holding a workshop series in early 2022, that will delve more deeply into the life after loss theme.